If the only way you can build an emergency fund is to pay the minimum due on your credit card, that is what you need to do.
Suze OrmanIf you pay off your mortgage before retirement, you take a huge financial load off your shoulders. You also become eligible to take out a reverse mortgage once you turn 62.
Suze OrmanIf you do not have at least an eight-month emergency fund, and you think there's a probability you could loose your job - and it's not just losing your job; you could be in a car accident, get sick - continue to pay the minimum on your credit card every month. Everything beyond that needs to go to establish an emergency fund. And if you have an emergency fund saved, then fund your retirement account before paying down credit card debt.
Suze OrmanLook everywhere you can to cut a little bit from your expenses. It will all add up to a meaningful sum.
Suze Orman