We don’t exhaust the Bible even after reading it hundreds of times. Each time we read it we see it in a new light. That is the greatness of the holy scriptures. They are that way because they were created by holy prophets who experienced the truth. Each time we read these works we elevate ourselves to see a little more. (81)
Swami SatchidanandaThe stones of a river start out rough, but with the current continually bumping and polishing them, they end up being beautiful.
Swami SatchidanandaWe are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. Serenity is contagious. If we smile at someone, he or she will smile back. And a smile costs nothing. We should plague everyone with joy. If we are to die in a minute, why not die happily, laughing? (136-137)
Swami SatchidanandaYoga is not only learning to stand on your head but also learning to stand on your feet.
Swami Satchidananda