The degree to which the child-rearing professionals continue to be out of touch with reality is astounding. For example, a widely read manual on breast-feeding, devotes fewer than two pages to the working mother.
Sylvia Ann HewlettThe decision to have a child is both a private and a public decision, for children are our collective future.
Sylvia Ann HewlettIf you show up without makeup or looking sloppy, no matter how impressive your ideas are, no one is going to pay attention to you. People take you more seriously if you look polished.
Sylvia Ann HewlettFashions change, and with the new psychoanalytical perspective of the postwar period [WWII], child rearing became enshrined as thespecial responsibility of mothersany shortcoming in adult life was now seen as rooted in the failure of mothering during childhood.
Sylvia Ann HewlettQuite simply, promotions are not just functions of ability, values, or the numbers you hit, but also rest critically on how you are perceived.
Sylvia Ann HewlettWomen have made enormous progress on the lower and middle rungs of the career ladder, but we are failing to make the leap into senior positions. Everyone jumps to the conclusion that it's motherhood that holds women back, but often the big roadblock is the lack of executive presence.
Sylvia Ann Hewlett