If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believe that you are at the steering wheel of life, especially your financial life.
T. Harv EkerYour programming leads to your thoughts; your thoughts lead to your feelings; your feelings lead to your actions; your actions leads to your results. Therefore, just as is done with a personal computer, by changing your programming, you take the first essential step to changing your results.
T. Harv EkerIn our course we teach that "no thought lives in your head rent-free." Each thought you have will either be an investment or a cost. It will either move you toward happiness and success or away from it. It will either empower you or disempower you. That's why it is imperative you choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely.
T. Harv EkerIf you are willing to do only what's easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what's hard, life will be easy.
T. Harv EkerMost people are so stuck in their egos that everything revolves around me, me, and more me. But if you want to be rich in the truest sense of the word, it can't only be about you. It has to include adding value to other people's lives.
T. Harv EkerSaying "I'll start managing my money as soon as I get caught up" is like an overweight person saying "I'll start exercising and dieting as soon as I lose twenty pounds."
T. Harv EkerFocus on what you're grateful for in your life. If you don't appreciate what you have, you won't get any more... because the universe thinks it's not important to you, and therefore you don't need any more.
T. Harv EkerIf you are not fully, totally, and truly committed to creating wealth, chances are you won't.
T. Harv EkerIf a hundred-foot oak tree had the mind of a human, it would only grow to be ten feet tall!
T. Harv Eker'Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind' was born out of my own journey of self-discovery within both my personal and professional life.
T. Harv EkerSo what is the difference between "power thinking" and "positive" thinking? The distinction is slight but profound. To me, people use positive thinking to pretend that everything is rosy, when they really believe that it's not. With power thinking, we understand that everything is neutral, that nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it, and that we are going to make up a story and give something it's meaning.
T. Harv EkerRich people believe "You can have your cake and eat it too." Middle-class people believe "Cake is too rich, so I'll only have a little piece." Poor people don't believe they deserve cake, so they order a doughnut, focus on the hole, and wonder why they have "nothing."
T. Harv EkerIf you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.
T. Harv EkerWhatever results you're getting, be they rich or poor, good or bad, positive or negative, always remember that your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. If things aren't going well in your outer life, it's because things aren't going well in your inner life. It's that simple.
T. Harv EkerIf you believe you are plenty, you will validate that belief and create plenty of abundance.
T. Harv EkerIf you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of you!
T. Harv EkerRecognize that whether you are worthy or not is all a made-up 'story'...Nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it...There's no one who comes around and stamps you 'worthy' or 'unworthy'. You do that. You make it up. You decide it...If you say you're worthy, you are. If you say you're not worthy, you're not. Either way you will live into your story.
T. Harv EkerBless that which you want. If you see a person with a beautiful home, bless that person and bless that home. If you see a person with a beautiful car, bless that person and bless that car. If you see a person with a loving family, bless that person and bless that family. If you see a person with a beautiful body, bless that person and bless their body.
T. Harv EkerResearch shows that the happiest people are those who use their natural talents to the utmost.
T. Harv EkerThe bottom line is that if you become a master at handling problems and overcoming obstacles, what can stop you from success? The answer is nothing! And if nothing can stop you, you become unstoppable!
T. Harv EkerBecoming rich isn't as much about getting rich financially as about whom you become, in character and mind, to get rich.
T. Harv EkerA lack of money is never, ever, ever a problem. A lack of money is merely a symptom of what is going on underneath.
T. Harv EkerComplaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth. The worst!
T. Harv EkerThe first thing I did was commit to my success and playing to win. I swore I would focus and not even consider leaving this business until I was a millionaire or more. This was radically different from my previous efforts, where, because I always thought short-term, I would constantly get side-tracked by either good opportunities or when things got tough.
T. Harv EkerRich people take advice from people who are richer than they are. Poor people take advice from their friends, who are just as broke as they are.
T. Harv EkerIn every forest, on every farm, in every orchard on earth, it's what's under the ground that creates what's above the ground. That's why placing your attention on the fruits that you have already grown is futile. You cannot change the fruits that are already hanging on the tree. You can, however, change tomorrow's fruits. But to do so, you will have to dig below the ground and strengthen the roots.
T. Harv EkerThe first rule of making progress in anything you do is setting goals, allowing yourself to always have a finish line in sight. This provides a boost in motivation during those moments when slogging forward seems impossible, giving you something tangible to work towards at every moment.
T. Harv EkerSuccess is a learnable skill. You can learn to succeed at anything. If you want to be a great golfer, you can learn how to do it. If you want to be a great piano player, you can learn how to do it. If you want to be truly happy, you can learn how to do it. If you want to be rich, you can learn how to do it. It doesn't matter where you are right now. It doesn't matter where you're starting from. What matters is that you are willing to learn.
T. Harv EkerIf you are going to work hard anyway, you might as well get rich...and the quicker the better!
T. Harv EkerIf a person weren't failing in some way, shape or form, would he or she need to blame, justify, or complain? The obvious answer is no.
T. Harv EkerThe play account rule is that it must be spent every month. That's right! Each month you have to blow all the money in that account in a way that makes you feel rich. For example, imagine walking into a massage center, dumping all the money from your account on the counter, pointing to the massage therapists, and saying, "I want both of you on me. With the hot rocks and the frickin' cucumbers. After that, bring me lunch!"
T. Harv Eker