Never before have I imagined my life without him—like this house, he is my only point of reference in this difficult existence, this unstable and frightening world. The thought of his leaving home fills me with a terror so strong, it takes my breath away. I feel like one of those seagulls covered in oil from a spill, drowning in a black tar of fear.
Tabitha SuzumaGet through today – you can fall apart tomorrow. Get through tomorrow, you can fall apart the day after . . .
Tabitha SuzumaOut of the millions and millions of people that inhabit this planet, he is one of the tiny few I can never have.
Tabitha SuzumaAs the light begins to intensify, so does my misery, and I wonder how it is possible to hurt so much when nothing is wrong.
Tabitha SuzumaTime has stopped; time is racing. Lochie's lips are rough yet smooth, hard yet gentle. His fingers are strong: I feel them in my hair and on my neck and down my arms and against my back. And I never want him to let me go.
Tabitha SuzumaNever before have I imagined my life without him—like this house, he is my only point of reference in this difficult existence, this unstable and frightening world. The thought of his leaving home fills me with a terror so strong, it takes my breath away. I feel like one of those seagulls covered in oil from a spill, drowning in a black tar of fear.
Tabitha Suzuma