She had the kind of looks that had probably been quite pretty in high school, but were now worn down by years of smoking cigarettes, raising children, and the disappointment of being married to an asshole.
Tami HoagFamily was a fertile breeding ground for the kind of psychological bacteria that warped minds and devoured hope.
Tami HoagI'm telling you, you did what you believed you had to do through all of this. Not what was easiest or best for you. You did what you did, and you're owning it. And I don't know ten men who would be brave enough to do that.
Tami HoagWe never know the quality of someone else's life, though we seldom resist the temptation to assume and pass judgement.
Tami HoagWe do the best we can," she said softly, looking inward. "And punish ourselves for it. I've tried to make my choices with the idea that I've made those choices for the greatest good. Sometimes someone suffers in the process, but I made the decision for the right reason. That should count for something, shouldn't it?
Tami Hoag