We have come a long way, particularly in terms of women becoming more equal under the law. Fortunately, workplace discrimination is now a crime - but unfortunately women still experience it. Fortunately, sexual harassment is now a crime - but unfortunately women still experience it. Fortunately, the assault of women is now a crime - but unfortunately women still experience it. The list goes on.
Tara MossAbove and beyond looking after your physical needs, it can be very helpful to think about what activities and hobbies make you smile. Make room for those things in your life, so you can look after your mental wellbeing and stay energized and for life's challenges.
Tara MossThe reality is that we do not live in a predominantly feminist or 'gender equal' world, and many Australian women are experiencing workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, online abuse or worse, or common forms of casual, everyday sexism. They find themselves dismissed, talked over, ignored or facing backlash for doing the same thing their male colleagues are doing.
Tara MossIn Speaking Out I do my best to answer those questions I was asked and more, and I provide strategies for how to speak out and keep on speaking out without burning out.
Tara MossIf you are asked an overly invasive or personal question, you have the right to refuse to answer. Likewise, if you research a professional opportunity and it doesn't feel right, or if you are not being offered payment for your professional services, that may be a sign that you should consider saying no.
Tara MossSuccess will be measured by change in the appallingly high levels of violence directed at women online and in the physical world, and change in the low levels of women's participation in public life.That change will require collective action, just as the changes so far have taken collective action.
Tara Moss