Remember the lessons of history - if we don't learn from history, we're bound to repeat it.
Ted CruzIt's going to take a new generation of courageous conservatives to help make America great again.
Ted CruzEvery month, we get the reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that say even more people have given up looking for work.
Ted CruzWhen people are motivated by principles larger than themselves, you don't have to beat them over the head to get them to act. You simply empower them, you inform them, you give them tools, and they take it upon themselves to act.
Ted CruzOn his [Marco Rubio] Gang of Eight bill, he would have liberalized immigration, but he did not - and he steadfastly opposed any new border security requirements for refugees or students.
Ted CruzI believe you [Donald Trump] know politicians better than I do because for 40 years you've been funding liberal Democratic politicians.
Ted CruzISIS says they want to go back and reject modernity? Well, I think we should help them. We ought to bomb them back to the Stone Age.
Ted CruzWe need a consistent conservative, someone who has stood for free market principles, who has stood for the Constitution and, critically, who stood for the working men and women of this country.
Ted CruzThe proper way to make policy changes is for you to convince your fellow citizens that there is a better policy outcome than the current one. And then in state legislatures, for those state legislatures to vote that change.
Ted CruzI get that the media wants us to play theater critics and critique every other proposal. What I`m focusing on are my own policy proposals.
Ted CruzThe principles Donald Trump is focused on are exactly the right principles: more choice, more competition, lower costs, lower premiums.
Ted CruzI'm a big believer that good policy is good politics. And so, when it comes to making decisions on policy issues, what I endeavor to do is simply speak the truth.
Ted CruzA very good friend of mine spent a fair amount of time doing postmortems and met with a number of the senior folks on the Romney campaign and they spent, what was it, $140, $160 million on data. And this friend of mine, who is a very sharp thinker, asked a series of questions, but the most important one he asked, he said, "What decisions did you make differently because of the data?" And he's coming from the private equity world where he wants to know, OK, and the answer from virtually every single senior Romney person was "nothing."
Ted CruzMarco Rubio was fighting to grant amnesty and not to secure the border, I was fighting to secure the border. And this also goes to trust, listening on to campaign trails. Candidates all the time make promises. You know, Marco said," he learned that the American people didn't trust the federal government."
Ted CruzThe one thing that might have stopped San Bernardino, that might have stopped 9/11 would have been stricter controls on those who came here.
Ted CruzMarco [Rubio] made reference earlier to the litigation against Trump University. It's fraud case. I want you think about if this man is the nominee, having the Republican nominee on the stand in court being cross examined about whether he committed fraud. You don't think the mainstream media will go crazy on that?
Ted CruzIf the problem is Washington is corrupt, why on Earth would you want to give more power to Washington?
Ted CruzThe proper way to make policy decisions under our Constitution in America is for the people to do so through the democratic process.
Ted CruzWe are seeing a great awakening. A national movement of We the People, brought together by what unites us - a shared love of liberty, and an understanding of the unlimited potential of free men and free women.
Ted CruzI think it's an enormous blessing to be the child of an immigrant who fled oppression, because you realize how fragile liberty is and how easily it can be taken away.
Ted CruzIf you can stitch together that kind of coalition with young people, bringing together conservatives and evangelicals - and I will tell you, in Iowa, we also won Reagan Democrats, working-class voters.
Ted CruzPopularity isn't the end-all, be-all. What matters far more is that you stick to your principles, that you stand up and you live a life of integrity.
Ted CruzI do think we should be focused on substance and record. If you want a candidate who opposes amnesty, who opposes citizenship for the 12 million people here illegally, I'm the only candidate in the race who opposes that.
Ted CruzOn domestic policy, Donald Trump agreed with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Wall Street bailout, the TARP bailout of big bank. I think the government ought to be standing with mainstream, with working men and women. And then you put on top of that the ethical issues, whether it is refusing to release his taxes. And that's a real problem.
Ted CruzWhat I endeavor to do is shine a light on what happens at the court, both as a law clerk and then as a litigator litigating and winning major cases in front of the Supreme Court over and over and over again.
Ted CruzYou don't hear me lambasting, engaging in personal attacks, getting nasty. I don't think that belongs in politics.
Ted CruzThe USA Freedom Act expands that so now we have cell phones, now we have Internet phones, now we have the phones that terrorists are likely to use and the focus of law enforcement is on targeting the bad guys.
Ted CruzIf standing for liberty and the Constitution makes you a Wacko Bird, then count me a proud Wacko Bird.
Ted CruzEvery day, I come home with a spring in my step. We've got to work together to stop the Obama agenda and take this country back.
Ted CruzWe need a president that shows the courage that Egypt's President al-Sisi, a Muslim, when he called out the radical Islamic terrorists who are threatening the world.
Ted CruzI'm very proud to have joined with conservatives in both the Senate and the House to reform how we target bad guys.
Ted CruzUnder Article II, all executive power is vested in one president of the United States. The regulatory state is Congress's efforts to undermine the president's authority. And my hope is we will see a president use that constitutional authority to rein in the uncontrollable, unelected bureaucrats and to rescind regulations.
Ted CruzPeople are fed up. They are fed up with what's happening in Washington. They are fed up with both parties. They are fed up with politicians who have lied to them.
Ted CruzI looked at the pilgrims coming to America. In their first year, they decided to try a communist experiment. And the first year of the pilgrims, they established this socialistic concept: 'Well, we have all this land before us - let us all work it together.' Oh, how wonderful it sounded. 'Let us all work it together, and we will share in the produce of the land.' They almost starved to death! Almost half of them died, that very first year.
Ted CruzIn my view, republican primary debates ought to be moderated by people who would vote in a primary.
Ted CruzA path to citizenship for those who are here illegally in my view is unfair to those waiting sometimes a decades in line to come here.
Ted CruzThe anger on the left - I've never seen anything like it. I mean, they're right now opposing everything. Democrats in the Senate are filibustering absolutely everything.
Ted CruzI think the first and principle objective is to repeal Obamacare before it does lasting, fundamental damage to our health care system, to our individual liberty, to the relationship each of us has with his or her doctor.
Ted Cruz