I think everything we do, on one level or another, as writers, most of our writing is informed by our world view. It's informed by our own understanding of spirituality; things that matter, things that are important to us. I write about things that matter for me.
Ted DekkerThe light came into the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it, but that no longer mattered because the light was now obliteration the darkness.
Ted DekkerHow can you hope to recognize good and evil for what they truly are if you have no belief in a moral authority greater than yourself?
Ted DekkerWhere is God? Where can I find him?" we ask. We don't realize that's like a fish swimming frantically through the ocean in search OF the ocean
Ted Dekkerno one wanted to look at the common evils of society. Very few were willing to put aside their own pursuit of happiness long enough to consider the effects of greed and jealousy around them. From what she'd seen, humans were essentially troubled. For every one behind bars, another ten deserved to be behind bars, but that would put one in ten Americans behind bars.
Ted Dekker