One of the beauties of the Buddhadharma is there are so many approaches, and not everything is right for everybody.
Tenzin PalmoFrom a Buddhist point of view, the first thing to help is yourself, to get your own mind together. And to really understand how to benefit beings, not just on the physical level, but on all levels. Then there are endless beings you can benefit.
Tenzin PalmoI think it's crucial to recognize that we are so fortunate to have this human birth where we can practice what we want, pick up and not just read books but actually understand them. This level of education is very rare throughout history, so we shouldn't take it for granted.
Tenzin PalmoPeople should find what approach really speaks to them, and then do it. Obviously, better with a good teacher, who can help you on the path. But in any case, basic principles.
Tenzin Palmo