Buddhism helps us to overcome our endless ego grasping mind to open up to something so much more spacious and genuinely meaningful.
Tenzin PalmoDon't be thinking that this lama over there is giving better teachings or that this lama over here is giving more secret initiations. Leave that. Just keep the practice very simple, try to stay in the moment and try to stay mindful.
Tenzin PalmoIn India many people come to discuss things with me. I sometimes say that half of them come saying, "I have a problem, I want to find a teacher." The other half say, "I have a problem because I have a teacher!" So it's not so simple.
Tenzin PalmoTo become effortless takes a lot of effort. It's good to compare it to learning an instrument or learning a sport.
Tenzin PalmoMy mother was a spiritualist. We had weekly sรฉances at our house with a neighbor who was a medium and various friends, and so I was brought up with the idea that there are many realms of being all around us. So that prepared me for Buddhism, and especially Tibetan Buddhism with all its talk of different realms and dimensions of being.
Tenzin Palmo