Historical Re-creation, he thought glumly, as they picked their way across, under, over or through the boulders and insect-buzzing heaps of splintered timber, with streamlets running everywhere. Only we do it with people dressing up and running around with blunt weapons, and people selling hot dogs, and the girls all miserable because they can only dress up as wenches, wenching being the only job available to women in the olden days.
Terry PratchettThe enemy isnโt men, or women, itโs bloody stupid people and no-one has the right to be stupid.
Terry PratchettYe ken, we've been robbin' and running aroound on all kinds o' worlds for a lang time, and I'll tell ye this: The universe is a lot more comp-li-cated than it looks from the ooutside.
Terry PratchettBy the time you've reached your sixties, you do know that one day you will die, and knowing that is at least the beginning of wisdom.
Terry Pratchett