Anyway, just because you're sworn enemies doesn't mean you can't be friends, does it?
Terry Pratchett(About a cookbook...) - What about this one? Maids of Honor? - Weeelll, they starts OUT as Maids of Honor...but they ends up Tarts.
Terry PratchettNature abhors a lot of things, including vacuums, ships called the Marie Celeste, and the chuck keys for electric drills.
Terry PratchettTiffany knew what the problem was immediately. She'd seen it before, at birthday parties. Her brother was suffering from tragic sweet deprivation. Yes, he was surrounded by sweets. But the moment he took any sweet at all, said his sugar-addled brain, that meant he was not taking all the rest. And there were so many sweets he'd never be able to eat them all. It was too much to cope with. The only solution was to burst into tears.
Terry Pratchett