Doing meditation you may need to experiment to discover what kinds of thoughts are best for your own unique interests and situation. For you it might be a repetitive "mantra," or simply an open state of watching your breath, like in the Buddhist tradition.
Tim McCarthyThe ability to meditate successfully is a very unique skill that will help you better weather the storms of life.
Tim McCarthyMeditation is one of the most therapeutic things that one can do for the body and mind. Specifically, studies demonstrate a reduction in blood pressure, heart rate, and other stress marker indicators.
Tim McCarthyWith the high stress of life many people find that their mind is constantly racing. They cannot stop from thinking even during time away from work or school, when they'd like to be relaxing. Subsequently, they may also feel associated physical tension in their bodies. In this case, the mind and the body are very closely connected to the stress response.
Tim McCarthy