Red Letter Christians believe in the doctrines of the Apostle's Creed, are convinced that the Scriptures have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, and make having a personal transforming relationship with the resurrected Christ the touchtone of their faith.
Tony CampoloThere is a gift of the Holy Spirit that is given to both men and women in the New Testament. This is what makes the New Testament a New Testament rather than the Old Testament, in which women did not have such privileges.
Tony CampoloTo prevent discussion of any other explanations of human origins is hardly what I would expect from open-minded educators.
Tony CampoloBecause I am not yet living up to what Jesus expects me to be in those red letters in the Bible, I always define myself as somebody who is saved by God's grace and is on his way to becoming a Christian. (...) Being saved is trusting in what Christ did for us, but being Christian is dependent on the way we respond to what he did for us.
Tony CampoloThe gospel is not about... pie-in-the-sky when they die. ... It is imperative that the up and coming generation recognize that the biblical Jesus was committed to the realization of a new social order in this world.... Becoming a Christian, therefore, is a call to social action.
Tony CampoloIt seems to me that when we listen to the Muslim mystics as they talk about Jesus and their love for Jesus, I must say, itโs a lot closer to New Testament Christianity than a lot of the Christians that I hear. In other words if we are looking for common ground, can we find it in mystical spirituality, even if we cannot theologically agree, Can we pray together in such a way that we connect with a God that transcends our theological differences?
Tony CampoloThe first reason for the preponderant influence of those Evangelicals who define themselves as advocates of Religious Right theological and political ideologies is that they have both the financial means and technological know-how to make widespread use of modern electronic forms of communication.
Tony CampoloPresident Bush once said that marriage is a sacred institution and should be reserved for the union of one man and one woman. If this is the case - and most Americans would agree with him on this - then I have to ask: Why is the government at all involved in marrying people?
Tony CampoloWhen you were born, you cried and everybody else was happy. The only question that matters is this - when you die, will you be happy when everybody else is crying?
Tony CampoloI think there are other issues that the Democrats could use to rally evangelicals. There are a lot of us, for instance, who believe that the Bible calls us to be environmentally responsible.
Tony CampoloWhen you listen to Christian radio stations - and there are thousands of them now in the United States - and when you listen to Christian television networks - and there are thousands of Christian television shows across the country - they are all politically right.
Tony CampoloThe Gospel is about grace and we all know that grace is about us receiving from God blessings that we don't deserve.
Tony CampoloSo after the Lewinsky scandal, everything changed, and we moved from using the Bible to address the moral issues of our time, which were social, to moral issues of our time that were very personal. I have continued that relationship up until the present.
Tony CampoloAnyone who resists the notion of women preachers is functioning as a tool of the devil.
Tony CampoloYour past is important but it is not nearly as important to your present as the way you see your future.
Tony CampoloThere are 2,000 verses of Scripture that tell us we must be committed to protecting the poor and the oppressed... There is no concern of Scripture that is addressed so often and so powerfully as reaching out to the poor.
Tony CampoloFrom the beginning, there have been some religious leaders who greeted the funding of faith-based social services by government with ambivalence.
Tony CampoloI teach at Eastern University, which is highly committed to doing work among the poor and the oppressed peoples of the world. We have a special commitment to the city.
Tony CampoloWhile a case can be made for intelligent design, I can't figure out why some Christians are so thrilled about that possibility. First of all, it doesn't prove there's a God. If anything, intelligent design lends support to some form of pantheism that defines God as immanent within nature.
Tony CampoloConservatives are people who worship at the graves of dead radicals. Stop to think about that. The people who started this country, George Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, these were not conservatives; these were the radicals of the time. In fact, conservatives always look back on people who they despised and make them into heroes. If you were to listen to the religious right today, they would make you believe that Martin Luther King was one of their flock. In reality, they hated him and did everything they could to destroy him.
Tony CampoloThe Bible makes clear a basic truth that we self-centered humans find difficult to accept, namely, that the natural universe was not created primarily for us. There is no doubt that God wants us to enjoy it and even use its resources to optimize a good life for ourselves. But the ultimate purpose of creation is worship. Nature and all living things were created to glorify God.
Tony CampoloThe reason why I buy into the Democratic Party more than the Republican Party is because there are over 2,000 verses of Scripture that deal with responding to the needs of the poor.
Tony CampoloThere is a feminine side of God. I always knew this โฆ It is this feminine side of God I find in Jesus that makes me want to sing duets with Him โฆ Not only do I love the feminine is Jesus, but the more I know Jesus, the more I realize that Jesus loves the feminine in me. Until I accept the feminine in my humanness, there will be a part of me that cannot receive the Lordโs love. โฆ There is that feminine side of me that must be recovered and strengthened if I am to be like Christ โฆ And until I feel the feminine in Jesus, there is a part of Him which I cannot identify.
Tony CampoloSo I really would like to see both parties respond to the poor with greater commitment. But I've got to tell you, the Democrats, I feel, are doing a better job in that respect than Republicans are.
Tony CampoloLet us preach Christ, let us be faithful to proclaiming the Gospel, but let's leave judgment in the hands of God.
Tony CampoloGetting the government to put money into social programs run by religious institutions is a practice that started during the Clinton years, when Bill Clinton advocated the AmeriCorps program.
Tony CampoloA Christian school should be a place where young men and young women go through a period of spiritual formation and development so that they come out incredibly more proficient at living out their calling than they would have been had they not gone to school.
Tony CampoloI am relatively sure, from conversations that I had with former president Bill Clinton, that George Bush seldom called upon him for advice.
Tony CampoloIf fulfillment is gained through giving ourselves through intimate relationships, then allowing ourselves to be consumed with the cares of things, instead of the care of persons, is foolish.
Tony CampoloRituals keep us from forgetting what must not be forgotten and keep us rooted in a past from which we must not be disconnected.
Tony CampoloWhen there is conflict between what God requires and the demands of the government, each of us has an important decision to make concerning taxes.
Tony CampoloPerhaps we would do well to listen to the likes of Rabbi Harold Kushner, who contends that God is not really as powerful as we have claimed.
Tony CampoloBut I think it's up to a local congregation to determine whether or not a marriage should be blessed of God. And it shouldn't be up to the government.
Tony CampoloIt has been said that people never do evil with more enthusiasm than when they do it in the name of God.
Tony CampoloSadly, we do a much better job of making people feel guilty than we do of delivering them from the guilt we create. We need to confess this and change our ways.
Tony CampoloIt's a new day for the Democrats when it comes to matters of faith, and the younger Evangelicals are aware of this and many of them are moving into the Democratic camp.
Tony CampoloAnd we've got to ask ourselves some very serious questions as to whether or not certain religious leaders, in terms of raising money - I hate to bring this up - are pushing hot buttons.
Tony CampoloI am looking for suggestions on what we can do about extremists within our own society. They cannot be ignored.
Tony CampoloHe saved us in order that He might begin to transform His world into the kind of world that He willed for it to be when He created it. โฆ When Jesus saved us, He saved us to be agents of a great revolution, the end of which will come when the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our God
Tony CampoloFreud taught us that it wasn't God that imposed judgment on us and made us feel guilty when we stepped out of line. Instead, it was the superego - that idealized concept of what a good person is supposed to be and do - given to us by our parents, that condemned us for what had been hitherto regarded as ungodly behavior.
Tony CampoloThere's nothing wrong with making a lot of money, there's something wrong with keeping it.
Tony CampoloClinton's successor in the White House, George W. Bush, was committed to expanding government spending for faith-based initiatives.
Tony Campolo