We started out making a film [ The Fourth Phase] about the incredible snow we get at home in Wyoming, the journey soon macroed out into this epic 16,000 mile trip around the North Pacific, taking us to locations in Japan, Alaska, the Kamchatka Peninsula in far-eastern Russia, and back to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Travis RiceIf we want authenticity, we have to initiate it. Self-discovery takes us to the wildest places on earth
Travis RiceNow you're gonna take beatings. It's written in our DNA, you know. You're gonna go down. You get up, it's that simple.
Travis RiceIt would be really nice to have a venue stop in Japan someday. Japan would be perfect for it.
Travis RiceWe faced blizzards, sub-zero temperatures, and of course dangerous snow conditions and vertiginous drops. That's what you get when you're working with fickle mother nature - you start out with a solid plan and it always changes, so you have to evolve and adapt.
Travis RiceI knew Shin [Biyajima] a little bit early on, but it's funny because where I really met Shin, and where he made a strong impression on me, was in Jackson Hole. I sledded back to a secret zone way deep in the Jackson backcountry to some freeriding. I got out there and followed some snowmobile tracks figuring it's just some snowmobilers.
Travis Rice