The great fights with your strongest rivals are always the biggest motivation. When you win easily it's not the same taste.
Valentino RossiYou need to realise that, if you want to go on, you have to work hard. If you dwell too much on your past successes and say "well, I have won nine world titles and more than 100 races", you'd rather stay home. The sport, your rivals, the tyres, your motorcycle, everything changes so instead you need to work more to be stronger. If you don't, you're finished.
Valentino RossiMy approach to the races hasn't changed in my 20-year career. If I have the chance to attack and to pass, I do it, trying to get the best possible result.
Valentino RossiI would have probably stolen cars - it would have given me the same adrenaline rush as racing.
Valentino RossiI have always challenged myself and it's also important to learn from the rivals. Every rider has his own style, and you have to count on some elements that cannot be changed. On the contrary, the bike or the tires can change and it's important to adapt yourself. It's up to the rider to understand what he can change and how much he can adapt.
Valentino Rossi