When I was a teenager, black pride became newly popular again. Suddenly a lot of black people were wearing the fake kente cloth and red black and green and Bob Marley. That was sort of my window into finding my own identity as a black person.
W. Kamau BellThere's an elitism that comes out with the entertainment industry. I'll talk about some shows, but I'm not gonna say that you're dumb for watching one over the other. I just let it go. I don't have to declare a fatwa on any of these things. I've gotten over some of my elitism.
W. Kamau BellI'm a dad, and that's really important to me, and I realize now that I'm a dad that it's a major part of my identity.
W. Kamau BellI think a lot of people get into stand-up to be the center of attention, which is perfectly legitimate. But I think I got in there to be heard.
W. Kamau Bell