When you follow your heart, you're never supposed to do things because of what you think people might say. You do it for the opposite reasons.
will.i.amThe maps are really like a filter. They filter information for you to make better decisions on where you are going and what to do.
will.i.amIf you look at the world now its one that we couldn't have imagined in 1997! That I would be able to hit a button and a taxi will show up? We wouldn't have believed that everything is disposable!
will.i.amWhen I wrote 'My Humps,' I said, 'This is the stupidest thing ever,' but in a good way. I always wondered what it must be like to be a girl, always gettin' pulled on. Maybe she's the smartest genius on the planet, but she's rackin' double Ds with a 26-inch waist and a big ol' ass and no one's ever gonna see her like that because that's the way the world is today.