Women are exciting for this one reason - it is the secret of women's allure - women enjoy submission, being bound. This I bring out in the Paradise Island sequences where the girls beg for chains and enjoy wearing them. Because all of this is a universal truth, a fundamental subconscious feeling of normal humans, the children love it. That is why they like Wonder Woman on Paradise Island better than anywhere else.
William Moulton MarstonComics speak, without qualm or sophistication, to the innermost ears of the wishful self. The response is like that of a thirsty traveler who suddenly finds water in the desert - he drinks to satiation.
William Moulton MarstonIf there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to draw dividends from defeat.
William Moulton MarstonBesides the practical knowledge which defeat offers, there are important personality profits to be taken.
William Moulton Marston