Whenever a climber leaves the known paths, he enters an area without rules or routines... The only advice comes from deep inside the self.
Wojciech KurtykaIf there is such a thing as spiritual materialism, it is displayed in the urge to possess the mountains rather than to unravel and accept their mysteries.
Wojciech KurtykaThe man coming back from the hard mountain trip is a wiser being, calmer and radiating inside. I'd say momentary liberated.
Wojciech KurtykaIn this way the climber faces his second deadly threat. The first is naturally the risk of killing the. Second is immersed in the deceitfulness of mental and believing that you are worth as much as the public image.
Wojciech KurtykaMountaineering is a complex and unique way of life, interweaving elements of sport, art and mysticism. Success or failure depends on the ebb and flow of immense inspiration. Detecting a single rule governing this energy is difficult - it arises and vanishes like the urge to dance and remains as mysterious as the phenomenon of life itself.
Wojciech Kurtyka