There are people who are willing to work within the system, and people who don't want to work with the system at all.
Yiyun LiYou can write about a country without taking a stand, but you cannot write about a country without noting that there's history, and that there's politics going on. To me, that's the same if you write about America. You don't have to write about politics, but the politics have to be present in the characters.
Yiyun LiYour characters are always your children. And while you are writing, you're keeping them safe. Now they're ready to go into the world and it's sad. I'm happy with the way the novel came out but all the characters' ending really saddened me.
Yiyun LiOnly the smaller fish pay for the goverment's face-lift. The big ones - they just become bigger and fatter.
Yiyun Li