You'll Know Them by This: 13 Traits of Intelligent People

Intelligence doesn't just mean accumulated knowledge and countless books read

Nadya Hamdan
You'll Know Them by This: 13 Traits of Intelligent People

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Have you ever felt enriched and satisfied after interacting with someone. It's as if talking to that person has brought you peace, ease and you've even learned something new and important to you. This is usually how we feel after meeting an intelligent person.

However, intelligence does not only mean accumulated knowledge and countless books read. Intelligent people have some distinctive traits in their characters by which we can recognize them. 

Here are 13 of them:

⚡ Logical/analytical thinking

Intelligent people can think and build good cause and effect relationships. Some have well-developed logical thinking, others are more analytical, and still others are best at creative thinking. In any case, you will know them by just that - the ability to think.

⚡ A sense of humour

Intelligent people almost always have a sense of humor. They manage to laugh at life and even in the most difficult situations find an occasion for an appropriate joke or at least a smile.

⚡ Self-irony

Self-irony is such a valuable and rare quality that it even deserves to be given a separate position from the sense of humor. The ability to poke fun at oneself is inherent in intelligent people. They do it delicately, not mockingly, and their wit arouses admiration in others.

⚡ Self-discipline

Intelligent people are self-aware, most often they know what they want to get out of life, but more importantly, they also know how to get it. And self-discipline is a must for success.

⚡ Emotional intelligence

Intelligent people are quite capable of not only not giving in to their emotions, but also managing them skillfully. They understand how their own emotions affect their thoughts and behavior and know that this applies to others as well.

⚡ Curiosity/Inquisitiveness

Intelligent people are also known by the fact that they never seem to tire of learning more. They are interested in new developments in all fields and love to learn. They don't mind someone else knowing more than they do, they even appreciate people who can enrich them with information.

⚡ Ability to speak and keep silent

An intelligent person knows when to speak and when to keep quiet. As we have already established, they are able to distinguish their emotions and this helps them to remain silent when necessary. And when they do speak, they say things accurately and clearly, thanks to their sharp mind.

In their dealings with others:

🤝 Ease in communication

Communicating with an intelligent person is a real pleasure. They speak in an orderly, evocative, calm and respectful manner. They express with ease exactly what they want to say without getting tangled up in their own confused thoughts. Intelligent people are good speakers.

🤝 Respect

An intelligent person approaches everyone they meet with respect, no matter what the person is or what the circumstances are. He demonstrates his respect in his overall demeanor, and this is definitely extremely pleasing to others.

🤝 Wit

Intelligent people are well aware of the importance of being considerate of others - their personal space, their moods of the moment, their circumstances, their personalities. Their wit comes from within and they show it with ease. That is why they are so good at it.

🤝 Empathy

Intelligent people have the ability to be understanding with others and their needs. They don't have a hard time putting themselves in other people's shoes, putting themselves in a situation. An intelligent person is able to have compassion, patience and understanding.

🤝 Unpretentiousness

You won't hear an intelligent person being pretentious...ever. They are fully aware of themselves and the world and know very well what they can and cannot do. Boasting is demeaning to them, which is why they don't take well to people who do it. The intelligent person is aware that his qualities will not be passed over and feels no need to point them out himself.

🤝 The skill of listening

No one can listen like the intelligent person. He does not listen in order to answer properly or to say something on the subject himself. He listens to hear, to understand, to be enriched by the information he receives. An intelligent person will never interrupt you. He will listen to the end of whatever you have to say and even follow up and remember what you have said

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