What is the use for a man to have at his disposal a large field of action, if within himself he remains confine to the narrow limits of his individuality.
African SpirThe more gifted by nature is a man, the more is deplorable the abuse that he does by using them to shameful ends. A swindler (or crook) of higher condition is more blameworthy than a vulgar scoundrel; an intelligent eveil-doer, having benefited from a higher education, represent a more saddening phenomenon ("phรฉnomรจne", Fr.) than an unfortune illiterate fellow having commited an offence.
African SpirAs the antagonism between those who possess, and those who do not, is becoming more acute day after day, we can already foresee a moment when it will bring about ("entraรฎnera", Fr.) severe (big, high, intense, - "grands", Fr.) disasters, if we do turn (direct, aim, - "dirige", Fr.) life in time the social life in new directions (or ways, - "dans des voies nouvelles", Fr.)
African SpirA man, engaged in his simple reflections in everyday life, will comprehend neither the possibility, nor the benefits of self-sacrifice, but, when given ("qu'on lui donne", Fr.) a great cause to defend, and he will find only natural to sacrifice oneself for it.
African SpirThe divine element manifests itself (or show up) in man as well by his aptitude for science, than by his aptitude for virtue. True morality, true philosophy and true art are in their essence ("dans leur essence", Fr.) religious."
African SpirThe concept of absolute, hence (or whence) springs, in the moral field, the moral laws or norms, represent, in the field of knowledge, the principle of identity, which is the fundamental law of the thought; norms of logic springs from it, that govern the thought (or mind) in the field of science." ("Le concept de l'absolu, d'oรน dรฉcoulent, dans le domaine moral, les lois ou normes morales, constitue, le principe d'identitรฉ, qui est la loi fondamentale de la pensรฉe; il en dรฉcoule les normes logiques qui rรฉgissent la pensรฉe dans le domaine de la science.")
African Spir