Men who have sacrifice their well-being, and even their lives, for the cause of truth or the public good, are, from an empirical point of view - which scorn ("fait fi", Fr.) virtue and altruism - regarded as insane or fools; but, from a moral standpoint, they are heros who do honour ("qui honorent", Fr.) humanity.
African SpirThe most sacred duty, the supreme and urgent work, is to deliver humanity from the malediction of Cain - fratricidal war.
African SpirIf man do not find in himself the required (or wished, or wanted, - "voulue", Fr.) force to accomplish his moral aspirations, he can try to purt himself in the conditions suitable to assist (or promote, or further, -"favoriser", Fr.) his self-control.
African SpirEducation has a tremendous power on man. Can't we see to which astonishing disciple the people of Sparte have submitted ("s'est pliรฉ", Fr.) for centuries, and this with a view to very petty purposes: purely outer greatness, the military predominace of Sparte. This example proves that man can everything on themselves when they want it ("peuvent tout sur eux-mรชmes quand ils le veulent", Fr.); therefore it would only be a question of making them will the good.
African Spir