Those who employ their modest talents as best they can do make a contribution to a better human future.
Allen W. WoodWhat I most fear now is that within a century or so there may not be any human future at all.
Allen W. WoodKant's treatments of rational theology and metaphysics were aimed primarily at theoretical questions. His attitude toward the pseudo-sciences of "special metaphysics" in Wolff and Baumgarten was always double-edged. He did see them as pseudo-sciences but also valued their doctrinal value and especially their regulative value for the empirical sciences. Like his views about religion, I don't think any of this is any longer viable in its original form.
Allen W. WoodThe relation of the law to the self is only a helpful way of thinking about the law, that helps us better understand its validity for us.
Allen W. WoodIt is rational to choose the right means to your ends to develop very elegant abstract formal theories of rational choice, and then turn these into what look like moral theories. Philosophers tend to be ravished by the formal beauty of such theories, and they don't pay much attention to the fact that our human limitations make them pretty useless in practice, while the simple point about instrumental reasoning is too shallow to be of much real moral interest.
Allen W. Wood