But once we recognize that many ideas that are taken to be quintessentially Western have also flourished in other civilizations, we also see that these ideas are not as culture-specific as is sometimes claimed. We need not begin with pessimism, at least on this ground, about the prospects of reasoned humanism in the world.
Amartya SenImparting education not only enlightens the receiver, but also broadens the giver - the teachers, the parents, the friends.
Amartya SenThe elimination of ignorance, of illiteracy... and of needless inequalities in opportunities (is) to be seen as objectives that are valued for their own sake. They expand our freedom to lead the lives we have reason to value, and these elementary capabilities are of importance on their own
Amartya SenChina had managed to reduce their fertility to a large extent because of basic expansion of women's education, not because of the one-child family.
Amartya SenOne has to be realistic. Oneยs concern for equity and justice in the world must not carry one into the alien territory of unreasoned belief. Thatยs very important.
Amartya SenI think one big thing about the United States is that the American population, they may be excited about Iraq or one thing or another, but basically has had a great deal of interest in humanitarian causes both within the country and abroad. Even when they criticize the mechanism to which it flows.
Amartya Sen