A lot of unpredictable things happened in the Republican party, but I think the notion that we're gonna demonize Donald Trump or we're gonna mischaracterize him is completely unfair.
Anthony ScaramucciI think what Donald Trump is saying to people is that America has way more leverage at the negotiating table than America has used in the past. And whether you like it or not, the government and trade representatives have made the decision not to use that leverage. And it has had an economic impact on the lower and middle class.
Anthony ScaramucciDonald Trump has built a super successful business. He's an effective organizer. He's an effective execution-oriented executive. He has the right political personality to get on with people in a way that'll surprise people. He will cut deals in a way that are more favorable for America than what establishment politicians have done.
Anthony ScaramucciDonald Trump's message to people is that he's a disruptive force that can descend into Washington as a nonpolitician and try to change some of the morass that happens in Washington.
Anthony ScaramucciEvery industry, there are rogues and bad actors. There could be rogues and bad actors in journalism. Rogues and bad actors in medicine. Rogues and bad actors in the legal community.
Anthony ScaramucciThe President of the United States again, whether you guys like the guy, you dislike the guy, he's the smartest person that I've ever worked for. So let Vanity Fair write about that, I honestly don't care. He has intuition, he has judgement and he has a temperament in a way that I have never seen.
Anthony Scaramucci