The Huffington Post Investigative Fund's goal is to produce a broad range of investigative journalism created by both staff reporters and freelance writers, with a focus on working with the many experienced reporters and writers impacted by the economic contraction. The pieces will range from long-form investigations to short breaking news stories and will be presented in a variety of media - including text, audio, and video.
Arianna HuffingtonClearly drive, IQ, and hard work are incredibly important. But ultimately what matters most is resilience--the ability to quickly rebound from failures, indeed to see failure as a stepping stone to success.
Arianna HuffingtonOften, you'll fail. But, as my mother also taught me, failure isn't the opposite of success - it's a stepping stone to success.
Arianna HuffingtonLasting social change unfolds from inside out: from the inner to the outer being, from inner to outer realities.
Arianna Huffington