One consequence of this is that people are expected to make it on their own by chasing clicks or building a brand. What a diminished vision that is.
Astra TaylorOne thing that struck me about going to those tech conferences was all the enthusiasm for free culture, and remixing, and social media, but people's greatest ambition was to be sponsored by Chipotle or something equivalent to that. It was this weird mix of collaborative, utopian claims and this total acquiescence to commercial imperatives.
Astra TaylorI try to look at the evolution of these utopian claims. In the late '60s there was an assumption that the wealth generated by industry would be taxed and then put into social programs and it would provide a baseline of stability that would allow people to have the time for self-expression; and that social contract has eroded over the last four decades and now it's every person for themselves.
Astra TaylorArt and culture are nonetheless vital, essential even, to what it means to be human, yet digital abundance has diminished our sense of their worth.
Astra TaylorNew media companies look remarkably like the old ones they aspire to replace: male, pale, and privileged.
Astra TaylorIt's the same thing in a way with privacy. You can say "I'm not doing anything wrong, therefore this doesn't concern me," but what does it mean about our society if we're all being watched and recorded? The personal experience - negotiating this as individuals - doesn't describe the social reality and the broader social costs.
Astra Taylor