Truly great people emit a light that warms the hearts of those around them. When that light has been put out, a heavy shadow of despair descends.
Banana YoshimotoAgain and again I will suffer; again and again I will get back on my feet. I will not be defeated.
Banana YoshimotoI really believe that no matter how old people get, they tend to change in certain ways depending on how people treat them - they change their colors.
Banana YoshimotoSo, have you been enjoying yourself these days, Kazami?' I'm having lots of fun.' It was true. That made the sense of regret even keener, that this time in my life would soon be a thing of the past. I felt as if I could understand a little of what my mother had been through, and the feelings she may have had at different times. I wasn't a child anymore, and this made me feel awfully lonesome, and utterly alone.
Banana YoshimotoThere are many, many difficult times, god knows. If a person wants to stand on her own two feet, I recommend undertaking the care and feeding of something. It could be children, or it could be house plants, you know? By doing that you come to understand your own limitations. That's where it starts.
Banana Yoshimoto