The study of the victim is called victimology because everything sounds better with and ology tacked on the end.
Ben AaronovitchMy dad was a fairy," said Zach. "And by that I don't mean he dressed well and enjoyed musical theatre.
Ben Aaronovitch...good-Samaritanism in London is considered an extreme sport - like base-jumping or crocodile-wrestling.
Ben AaronovitchThe Metropolitan Police Service is still, despite what people think, a working-class organisation and as such rejects totally the notion of an officer class. That is why every newly minted constable, regardless of their educational background, has to spend a two-year probationary period as an ordinary plod on the streets. This is because nothing builds character like being abused, spat at and vomited by members of the public.
Ben AaronovitchThe clever people at CERN are smashing particles together in the hope that Doctor Who will turn up and tell them to stop
Ben AaronovitchIf you ask any police officer what the worst part of the job is, they will always say breaking bad news to relatives, but this is not the truth. The worst part is staying in the room after you've broken the news, so that you're forced to be there when someone's life disintegrates around them. Some people say it doesn't bother them - such people are not to be trusted.
Ben Aaronovitch