Inter-racial sex is probably some of the best sex on the planet. You know what that is? Because with inter-racial sex there's like this whole added pressure to perform. 'Cause it's kinda like you're not just humping for yourself. You're humping for your race. You got to represent your people.
Bill BurrSurround yourself with positive people. Also, be a positive person. Root for people. Somebody else's success is not your failure.
Bill BurrIf you're on social media as a performer you can tell. If you don't get any Tweets you know it's bombed. I can pretty much gauge how it's doing by comparing the reception to shows I've done that have actual ratings.
Bill BurrThere is no reason to hit a woman. And I was just like, really? I could give you, like, 17 right off the top of my head.
Bill Burr