Storyboarding is what I call an "idea landscape" - one that can help unleash creativity, improve communication, and identify practical solutions to complex problems. The beauty of storyboarding is that ideas from an entire team are harnessed, not just those from the extroverts or vocal members.
Bill CapodagliOrganizational culture begins in HR. This means to hire for attitude and train for skill.
Bill CapodagliThe role of any exceptional facilitator or consultant is to work themselves out of a job.
Bill CapodagliCompanies whose marketing and sales departments are not using the Internet and social media for communication may have the same fate that the dime stores had when Wal-Mart came onto the scene.
Bill CapodagliSocial media can work to a CEO's advantage. Someone with a great product in a small town in the middle of nowhere can compete in the world marketplace. In 1962, Sam Walton changed the face of retailing with Wal-Mart. As we speak, Amazon is again changing the face of retail with on-line buying.
Bill CapodagliTwenty years ago if you provided someone with horrible service, it may take weeks or even months for the word-of-mouth message to get out to 15-20 potential customers. Today, with social media, thousands of potential customers can learn about horrible service within hours, minutes or even seconds after it happens.
Bill Capodagli