When you remain angry with another person, you give away your emotional control to that person each time you think of him or here. You allow him or her to control your emotions at long distance. By not forgiving, you allow that person to run your emotional life, exactly as if he or she were right there with you and the situation was occurring all over again.
Brian TracyNinety to ninety-five percent of people will withdraw to the comfort zone when what they try doesn't work. Only that small percentage, 5 or 10 percent, will continually improve themselves; they will continually push themselves out into the zone of discomfort, and these are always the highest performers in every field.
Brian TracyWhat activities, behaviors, or decisions have been most responsible for your success in life? Do more of them.
Brian TracyEvery act of self-discipline increases your confidence, trust, and belief in yourself and your abilities.
Brian TracyKeep asking yourself, 'What kind of a company would my company be if everyone in it was just like me?'
Brian TracyYou cannot control all of what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward all of what happens to you...You can choose to be happy and grateful rather than disappointed and bitter, by focusing on how it could have turned out worse but didn't, rather than how it could have turned out better but didn't.
Brian Tracy