I.. Uh...What are you having?... Did you make some of those up
Okay, this might sound vague, but do you know this one girl with hair like this?
You suck, surprising no one!!!! If bad was a boot, you'd fit it!!!! You're a stupid poo-poo head! I had sexual relations with your mother! Your mother was not that good in bed! You, sir, are a wretched soul! I am rubber, you are glue!
Somehow the pantsless gay man is not bringing the romance, Scott.
These shoes are Mr Silly's shoes, Scott.
Maybe it's important to open up I people- people who are right there with you, not some thousand miles away in another universe. Or maybe it's something else. Maybe I should just settle for not knowing. Maybe it's just good to know that you're not the only one who doesn't know.