Becoming internally empowered shifts a person's center of gravity from external to internal- a mark of spiritual passage.
Caroline Myssfantasizing is one of the earliest languages in the child's mind. We are in touch with our imagination and dreams before we engage with logic and reason.
Caroline MyssCommitment to an idea that has the power to transform you personally in any way is a vision worth nurturing. The bottom line is,you need to remain committed to a vision long enough to see it vome to fruition.
Caroline MyssSomeone asks me what's my practice? I don't want the fear of being humiliated to have authority over me. I don't want it to come near me. I don't want it to have a voice in my decisions. I don't want it to be anywhere near me. What's my practice? That one. I don't ever want to humiliate a human being, and I don't want the fear of being humiliated to participate in my thoughts.
Caroline Myss