The essence of warriorship, or the essence of human bravery, is refusing to give up on anyone or anything.
Chogyam TrungpaWe are always in transition. If you can just relax with that, you'll have no problem.
Chogyam TrungpaGenerosity is self-existing openness, complete openness. You are no longer subject to cultivating your own scheme or project. And the best way to open yourself up is to make friends with yourself and with others.
Chogyam TrungpaOur bodies demand our attention; our bodies demand that we actually pay attention to what is going on with our lives.
Chogyam TrungpaBut again and again, we should reflect back to the darkness of the cocoon. In order to inspire ourselves forward, we must look back to see the contrast with the place we came from. You see, we cannot reject the world of the cocoon - which out which we may create a new cocoon. When we see the suffering that occured in the old cocoon, that inspires us to go forward in our journey of warriorship. It is a journey that is unfolding within us.
Chogyam Trungpa