The Pleiadians are here on the planet at this time to support us in our transition. They come from the star system known as the Seven Sisters, and they are at this time living out their own incarnations.
Christine McCormick DaySome of us are moving into the sixth dimension now. And with the new energies coming into the new year, there will be even a seventh dimensional experience opening up for some of us, because we're going to go through such a transition within the universal community in the next year.
Christine McCormick DayThis covenant energy holds and mirrors the pact that we have made of self-fulfillment for ourselves in this lifetime, and that covenant energy holds the full reflection of our promise within its framework.
Christine McCormick DayUp here (on the North Shore of Minnesota) on the land we have two communication portals, and a Lemurian portal straight out from the house, and then a big stargate has just recently opened up in our meadow.
Christine McCormick Day