Since change is constant, you wonder if people crave death because it's the only way they can get anything really finished.
Chuck PalahniukThe bad news is we don't have any control. The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
Chuck PalahniukMy writing process isn't a very organized thing. The actual writing part is a tiny part of my life. I often write in public. I bring my laptop or write freehand in notebooks. Then, I'll read through them while I exercise or walk the dog. The very last thing I do is the sitting alone at the computer part.
Chuck PalahniukNevertheless, if you ask me, most people have children just as their own enthusiasm about life begins to wane. A child allows us to revisit the excitement we once felt about, well... everything. A generation later, our grandkids bump up our enthusiasm yet again. Reproducing is a kind of booster shot to keep us loving life.
Chuck Palahniuk