Today we face many problems. Some are created essentially by ourselves based on divisions due to ideology, religion, race, economic status, or other factors. Therefore, the time has come for us to think on a deeper level, on the human level, and from that level we should appreciate and respect the sameness of others as human beings.
Dalai LamaAgeing destroys youth, sickness destroys health, degeneration of life destroys all excellent qualities and death destroys life. Even if you are a great runner, you cannot run away from death. you cannot stop death with your wealth, through your magic performances or recitation of mantras or even medicines. Therefore, it is wise to prepare for your death.
Dalai LamaI remain convinced that most human conflicts can be solved through genuine dialogue conducted with a spirit of openness and reconciliation.
Dalai LamaIf there were really serious consequences if I did not accept, then of course I would do whatever was necessary. But in general I really prefer some freedom.
Dalai Lama