Adolescents who are absorbing negative messages about who they are and what is expected of them may sink to that level instead of realizing their true potential. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote, โTreat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being."
Daniel J. SiegelInterpersonal experience shapes the mind as it continues to develop throughout the lifespan... Interactions with the environment, especially relationships with other people, directly shape the development of the brain's structure and function.
Daniel J. SiegelFrom early infancy, it appears that our ability to regulate emotional states depends upon the experience of feeling that a significant person in our life is simultaneously experiencing a similar state of mind.
Daniel J. SiegelWonderful!Hold Me Tight blends the best in research findings with practical suggestions from a caring and compassionate clinician. This fabulous book will be of great benefitto couples trying to find their way to better communication and deeper, more fulfilling ways of being with each other. Bravo!
Daniel J. SiegelToo often we forget that discipline really means to teach, not to punish. A disciple is a student, not a recipient of behavioural consequences.
Daniel J. Siegel