If all the people around you are happy with you, you are not doing great work. When you stop being like other people, they stop liking you. That's just how it goes. There's no escaping it. And it's okay. What you need to understand about that disapproval is that it's a sign you're doing something right.
Darren HardyIf you truly want to be successful, spend less time following the lives of other people and more time leading your own.
Darren HardyTo achieve what you have not, you must become what you are not. You have to GROW into your goals.
Darren HardyThe key to becoming world-class in your endeavors is to build your performance around world-class routines. It can be difficult, even futile, to predict or control what will show up in the middle of your workday. But you can almost always control how your day starts and ends. I have routines for both.
Darren Hardy