Don's Mancini father was an advertising executive and I think Don really grew up and all of that stayed in his head. Some of the really great slogans we came up with, over the years, the big advertising buzz-words that we had, Don created those. It's just kind of fun just thinking about what we both love about pop culture and applying it to Chucky film and any others.
David KirschnerThere have been times that we've had arguments with Brad [Dourif] because he comes in with very strong ideas and, as in any working relationship, sometimes you're going to disagree, and he always goes to the mat and I've just always appreciated that attitude, that he takes it so seriously.
David KirschnerBrad Dourif as Charles Lee Ray, it's impossible to imagine anyone else in that role. I mean, he's just so great. Over the course of the five movies, he always just takes it so seriously, doesn't condescend to the material, whatsoever and just treats it as if he was playing Hamlet.
David KirschnerIn the first Chucky film, there's a scene in the elevator where a woman is just bringing food to a friend's home and they're in that cage elevator. She says, 'What an ugly doll,' and walks away. As the elevator begins to descend, Brad just decides he's going to drop this in and it was so simple but he just goes 'F*&k you,' and the audience went crazy. It was really a marker for us, and an evolution to understand what the potential of not just this killer, but this guy that obviously has some opinions as well.
David Kirschner