People don't realize how badly verbal harassment and cyber bullying affects you. I wish they had hit me in the face and gotten it over with, because what they said to me, sticks to me to this day. It affected me into the person that I am today.
Demi LovatoYou can turn your life around. You can through hell and back. It is possible. Never underestimate yourself. I believe in you.
Demi LovatoIn treatment, all of the negative things I did were stripped away and I had to start processing my feelings.
Demi LovatoThere are times in my life when I let myself get consumed with jealously for someone else's life, their body, their wardrobe, their talent. They call it the green-eyed monster for a reason. It's a self destructive and when it's in the room, it consumes you. Be strong and don't focus on what other people have.
Demi Lovato