All I know is that mine was a completely new theory about art, a new approach that made the pictures appear just like life does.
Domenico GnoliI am metaphysical inasmuch as I am looking for a non-eloquent painting, immobile and of atmosphere, which feeds on static situations.
Domenico GnoliThe performance on the stage has its reasons in the performance induced in thousands of separate minds and this second performance is no less prodigious than the first.
Domenico GnoliMy themes are derived from current events, from familiar situations, from daily life, because I never actively intervene against the object, I can feel the magic of its presence.
Domenico GnoliThere isn't much to say about my childhood. I remember explosions of intense happiness, followed shortly afterwards by profound melancholy that always prompted remarks and comments from those around me on how remote my life was from my age. Therefore I rapidly lost all my respect for age. From then on, I always lived without any age, given that every year I used to repudiate it, choosing another one for the sole good reason that I liked it better.
Domenico Gnoli