Lists only spell out the things that can be taken away from us by moths and rust and thieves. If something is valuable, don't put it in a list. Don't even say the words.
Douglas CouplandThe belief that tomorrow is a different place from today is certainly a unique hallmark of our species.
Douglas CouplandEarth was not built for six billion people all running around and being passionate about things. The world was built for about two million people foraging for roots and grubs.
Douglas CouplandIt's around midnight. After I left Dad, my choice was to either become very drunk or write this. I chose to write this. It felt kind of now-or-never for me.
Douglas CouplandIf you look at life as a whole, we have to admit life's good where we live. But in an evil Twilight Zone kind of way there's nothing else to choose. In the old days there was always a Bohemia or a creative under-world to join if the mainstream life wasn't your bag - or a life of crime, or even religion.And now there's only the system. All other options have evaporated. For most people it's the System or what... death? There's nothing. There's no way out now.
Douglas Coupland