To be aware of little, quiet things, you need to be quiet inside. A high degree of alertness is required. Be still. Look. Listen. Be present.
Eckhart TolleIf your relationship to the present moment is not right - nothing can ever be right in the future - because when the future comes - it's the present moment.
Eckhart TolleTerrorism is an example of that extreme madness. People blow themselves up just to kill others. Unconscious reaction to terrorism is equal madness.
Eckhart TolleI know that at the core of each religion there is the truth, heavily obscured in some cases, but it's there.
Eckhart TolleWithout our fully realizing it, flowers would become for us an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves. Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal, and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerged, would become like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless.
Eckhart Tolle