Why waste so much time, energy, and money trying to buy the biggest house that your credit rating will allow? Truth be known, a small house can hold as much happiness as a large one. Sometimes it will hold even more.
Ernie J ZelinskiIf you are a happy person, don't spend your time trying to make an unhappy person happy. Near as I can tell, you have to be a magician to pull it off.
Ernie J ZelinskiPeople who observe no limits in attempting to get work done aren't nearly as smart as they think. Hard work can be done by any fool. But to be highly productive, and still have plenty of time to rest and play, this is where true genius resides.
Ernie J ZelinskiHaving a great deal of opportunity proves nothing. Opportunity without creative action is like a brand new Ferrari without an engine. You possess something valuable, but it won't get you anywhere.
Ernie J ZelinskiYou can't be genuinely prosperous unless you have personal freedom. You will have attained true personal freedom in this world when you can get up in the morning when you want to get up; go to sleep when you want to go to sleep; and in the interval, work and play at the things you want to work and play at - all at your own pace.
Ernie J Zelinski