The proliferation of support groups suggests to me that too many Americans are growing up in homes that do not contain a grandmother. A home without a grandmother is like an egg without salt.... The emotionally satisfying discussions that take place in Chronic Pain Outreach and Depression Resources are simply updated versions of the grandmotherly practice of hanging crepe. We could eliminate much of the isolation that support groups exist to fill and save the "traditional family" that everybody is so worried about if more couples took their aging parents to live with them.
Florence KingThere is more sexism in a year's worth of movies than actually exists in a woman's entire lifetime.
Florence KingThe vitamin has been reified. A chemical intangible originally defined as a unit of nutritive value, it was long ago reified into a pill. Now it is a pill; no one except a few precise scientists define it as anything else. Once the vitamin became a pill, it became real according to the precepts of American Cartesianism: I swallow it, therefore it is.
Florence KingIt's the Government's job to print the money, deliver the mail and declare war. Now give me my cigarettes.
Florence KingThe more immoral we become in big ways, the more puritanical we become in little ways.
Florence King